
Prof. Dr. Christopher Balme

Christopher Balme holds the chair in theatre studies at the University of Munich.

He was born and educated in New Zealand where he graduated from the University of Otago. He has lived and worked in Germany since 1985 with positions at the universities of Würzburg, Munich and Mainz. From 2004 to 2006 he held the chair in theatre studies at the University of Amsterdam. He has published widely on German theatre, intercultural theatre and theatre and other media.

Prof. Balme is past-president of the German Society for Theatre Research, is president of the IFTR, was Senior Editor of Theatre Research International from 2004-2006. He currently edits the journal Forum Modernes Theater.



PD Dr. Nic Leonhardt

Nic Leonhardt studied Theatre Studies and Audiovisual Media, German Philology and Art History at the Universities of Erlangen-Nürnberg and Mainz. From 2002 to 2005 Nic Leonhardt was participant in the International PhD-program Performance and Media Studies, University of Mainz. (title of her PhD-thesis: Pictorial Dramaturgy. Theatre and Visual Culture in 19th Century Germany (1869-1899) (in German)). She worked as a researcher, lecturer and coordinator at the University of Music Cologne (2000-2002), the University of Music and Theatre in Leipzig (2006-2007), and the Cluster of Excellence “Asia & Europe in a Global Context” (Heidelberg University) In 2007, she held the position of a guest lecturer (“Gastdozentin”) at the German Department of Barnard College and Columbia University, New York.

Nic received grants from the University of Mainz (2000), the Fulbright Commission (2003), and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) (2004; 2007).

She has worked and published on theatre and media history and historiography, visual culture, popular culture, theatre and media censorship, and urban history.